Mariah Stock Mariah Stock

What is Love?

Do you believe in love?
My friends describe me as a hopeless romantic which I won't even bother to deny. I 100% believe in soulmates. Friend soulmates. Partner soulmates.

What is Love?

Do you believe in love?
My friends describe me as a hopeless romantic which I won't even bother to deny. I 100% believe in soulmates. Friend soulmates. Partner soulmates. With most of my closest friends, I have known within minutes from a single (usually entirely inappropriate) joke or sentence that we are one of a kind.

I also believe that:
• some people have several loves
• some only get one
• despite common expectations of ever after, they are present in our lives for various durations some of which may be very very short 

What is love?
To me, love is caring for someone so much that you want them to be happy - regardless of whether it is with you or not. 

Why do we get feelings for people?
My all time favourite book is one which appears to be a children’s book called the The Little Prince. In the book, The Prince encounters a fox who says: 

“To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world" 

Time is most valuable thing we have and as such, we form a sense of attachment towards anything we invest our time and heart into. This explains my rather tragic, reoccurring heartbreak over the death of my many $3 herbs from the super market, which I am now convinced are not meant to survive...

As such, it is incredibly important to be conscious of what you are spending your time on. I personally find being in love all-consuming and find that the more I like someone, the more my goals and priorities tend to take a back seat because it brings me so much joy to see them happy. Consequently, I tend to find myself thriving most when alone and am very conscious of who I choose to spend my time with. The right people feel the same way and also want the same for you, so it balances itself out and you both accelerate forward like a Super Mario Turbo Boost xx

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