10 Things You Should Consider Every Day

In order to best help others we have to first look after ourselves.

Very much like the oxygen masks in planes. As selfless as a parent may be, if they tend to their children before putting on the mask themselves, they may never manage to help them. In working towards self actualisation and fulfilling your dreams/passions we almost always end up helping others.

Your mental health is important, your physical health is important, your hopes and dreams are important. Here are 10 things to consider every day:

☐ Are you drinking enough?

☐ How is your sleep quality?

☐ Are you exercising?

☐ Do you eat well/are you looking after your gut health?

☐ Are you getting sun/fresh air/time in nature?

☐ How are your stress levels?

☐ Does anything feel wrong/do you have any infections?

☐ Are you making time for yourself?

☐ Do you engage in scheduled chaos. Room for unpredictability?

☐ Do you do cardio for your 💛?


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